
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Over the weekend

So over the weekend I went to Biloxi for one of my best friends, Kory Rogers, bachelorette party. We stayed at the Beau Rivage. It was fabulous! We had the best time. We left early Friday morning and got there a little after lunch on Friday. We hung around for a bit, went down to the pool, ate lunch and had drinks. That night we ate at Vibe in the Hard Rock then headed over to The Coast in the Beau. We had an absolute great night!! More fun that I have had in quite some time. Saturday we were lazy in the room all day because it was rainy out and we weren't able to lay by the pool any. That night we ate at BR Prime inside the Beau....divine doesn't even begin to describe how awesome the food was. I got king crab legs...they cracked the shells open and put all of the meat on a plate for you..deLISH. Then we hung out at Eight75 for a bit. Sunday we headed home and I got some much needed rest. This week at work I am doing speech screening at the Head Start I serve so I don't have to be at work until 8:30 or 8:45. It is spoiling me. This weekend starts the many weekends full of engagement parties/showers/stock the bar and weddings. It's going to be a busy yet wonderful fall :)

Here are some pics from the weekend:

Bachelorette Kory and me getting a shot before the night starts!

Not toooooo bad

Everyone at BR Prime

At Eight75 after dinner

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